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Our "Why"


Only 18% of Americans are satisfied with the state of the nation. (Gallup Poll, 2023)


68% of Republicans have little to no confidence in the future of the US political system. (Pew Research, 2023)


Just 26% rate the quality of political candidates as very or somewhat good, down about 20 percentage points since 2018. (Pew Report, 2023)


Both parties have been struggling with the challenge of recruiting these types of candidates, but the Republican Party has been especially unsuccessful as of late due to several factors, not least that they do not invest in a pipeline. At this time, the Party is not well-positioned or well-equipped to do this work. An outside group needs to take up the mantle. The public is showing they are desperate for better options.


The Lion Leadership Fund will identify and successfully recruit these candidates and cultivate a broader coalition of voters that will turnout in Republican primaries, getting them over the finish line.


Our strategy is ambitious and state-by-state. We carefully and thoroughly choose our candidates to ensure they:


  • Reflect their districts/states

  • Have shown proven leadership

  • Are seeking to govern

  • Will choose principles over personal gain

  • Have a path to victory.


An overwhelming majority (85%) holds the view that “the cost of political campaigns makes it hard for good people to run for office.” Help us to change that by making it easier for good people to run for office. Contact to get involved today!

For Candidates

If you'd like to be considered for support, please email

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